Environment and people are the fuel of war in Syria Tarhin: 1200 oil refineries poisoning the air and soil

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البيئة والبشر وقود الحرب في سوريا “ترحين”.. 1200 “حراقة” نفط تسمم الهواء والتربة
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Crude oil burners in Tarhin, eastern rural Aleppo, negatively affect human health, land, and crops - May 10, 2024 (Enab Baladi/Dayan Junpaz)

An article by our partner Enab Baladi on the effects of 1200 oil refineries in Tahrin - Syria poisoning the air and soil. A forest and green cover was turned into barren land and a hotspot for gases, chemicals, and carcinogens, with 1200 primitive burners operating, pumping their toxins and waste, resulting in environmental disasters in the region's air, land, and health of workers and residents, leaving devastating effects that will take years to recover from.
