
Benita's Paper cover

“People like me, they have to bypass”

Research Paper
My nationality is my right has a long history in Lebanon. In a country, that does not treat its citizens equally; women cannot pass their nationality to their husbands and children if they have a binational marriage. To this day, this law is still on papers. In this paper, Benita argue that the performative citizenship of the children in these families is not only expressed through their political and social activism for a more inclusive citizenship law. Rather, by finding coping strategies to exercise basic human rights and by having an affective citizenship meaning they feel Lebanese and therefore state their right to be Lebanese on paper, they are performing Lebanese citizenship.
Cover of the research Paper


Research Paper
This research paper employs a systems analysis to explore how solid waste mismanagement has been an intentional political decision-making process tailored to nurture and protect dysfunctionality through elite capture and clientelism. The hypothesis will be presented using a Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) which will then be analyzed and validated via case studies involving the municipalities of Beit Mery, Dhour Choueir, and Brih. This paper published with the cooperation of Arab Reform Initiative A paper by Cynthia Kreidy, Policy Analyst, Millennium Institute  
Piles of solid waste in a street in Lebanon

Impacting policies: Waste management and advocacy in Lebanon.

This paper tackles the evolution and role of civil society actors and advocacy campaigns concerning Solid Waste Management since the 2015 waste crisis. It addresses the organization, advocacy strategies, tools, challenges, adopted roadmaps, and lessons learned from these movements and coalitions, using a comparative analysis between the Harak movement that emerged during the 2015 waste crisis and the Waste Management Coalition that formed in 2017 in the face of persistent waste mismanagement and the government plans to adopt waste incineration.
Lebanon's Political Alternatives: Mapping the Opposition

Lebanon's Political Alternatives: Mapping the Opposition

In the last few years, Lebanon witnessed an increase number of political groups that seek to challenge the establishment. Yet, little is known about their political structure, policy positions and how they compare to one another. Based on original survey data, this study unpack differences in the international organisational structures, policy stances, strategies for political change, and alliances of the fifteen most prominent alternatives political groups.  
An 'informal tented settlement' in Lebanon's Bekaa valley

It does not Need a Push-back to Push Back

Ever since the outbreak of the Syrian ‘civil war’ in the aftermath of the Arab Uprising 2011, Lebanon has become the number one host country for Syrian refugees.  With a population of only six million people, Lebanon has been hosting around 1.5 million Syrians.  While in the first years there was still a limited sort of solidarity with fleeing people, this has been decreasing due to the longevity of the war in Lebanon’s neighbor country and the severe domestic economic crisis that Lebanon is going through since 2019.
Cover of the Research "Humans Without Rights"

Humans Without Rights

The Syrian Regime continues to be an essential and powerful factor in the weakening of women's role and the denial of their rights. Over the past decades it has contributed to  promotion of gender description and the patriarchal system through its constant practices, its commitment to deny the woman the right to grant their nationality and lineage to their children, and its policy of depriving Syrian Kurds and Syrian women of their Syrian nationality to become foreigners and strangers in their own lands. This study address the problem of Statelessness in Syria that is caused by multiple factors  

Indications of a Critical Electoral Process Path

The Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections -LADE and as part of its mission towards observing and monitoring the electoral process, spotted numerous indications of a critical political path that affects the electoral process.  
Kohl Vol.7 no.1 Cover Photo

Kohl | Vol. 7 No. 1 | Summer 2021

Our Partner kohl  is finally happy to announce the publication of their latest issue, Counter Archives, encompassing the works of more than 35 writers, researchers and illustrators.  This issue started as “A Revolutionary Archive of 2020,” and acquired a life of its own. It took the shapes and contours of the writing circle Kohl called for in early 2021. The circle met virtually for eight Saturdays. Tearing through the realisms of lockdown, migration, COVID-19, and occupation, they created an oasis for them to grieve, breathe, be in solidarity with each other, and do community differently. 

Power Poverty Hunger

In 2020, 768 million people suffered from hunger and undernourishment. That is almost 10 percent of the global population. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations expects these numbers to rise further as a result of the economic crisis triggered by covid-19, extreme weather events, and conflicts.
Cover of Plastic Atlas MENA region 1st edition

Plastic Atlas

Plastic is ubiquitous: we use it for life-saving medical devices, clothing, toys and cosmetics; we use it in agriculture and industry. But we also know the growing risk of plastic waste in the environment, landfills and the oceans.