We tell stories about plants and people Land Stories is a storytelling project by our partner Jibal, an NGO in Beirut working for environmental and social justice, centered on Lebanon and the nearby region. All stories portray people and the crops they grow, from wheat and apples to citrus and aubergine, on land that was central to the beginnings of world agricultural history.
Antigone of Syria - Press Coverage “A rewriting of history, which is only ever told from the point of view of men.” (Mohamad Al Attar) "We were not born just to listen, just to obey, just to receive orders. We should be able to stand up for something in our lives." (Mona, actress) By only participating in the theatre workshop Antigone of Syria, Mona – and, together with her, twenty-four other refugee women from Syria – have already proven that they are very much able to stand up. Read the reports on the emancipative power of art, on theatre as a form of political rebellion, and heartbreaking stories of loss and courage in our press review on Antigone of Syria.
Women’s revolutions in the shadow of the Arab Spring: Has the time come? The revolution is a woman. Free, she has no need for fathers, guides or leaders. She needs children, working with love and faith for change and to champion women (in particular) and mankind. By Maha Hassan
Redefining “Sexual Intercourse Contrary to Nature” "On January 28, 2014, Naji al-Dahdah, a magistrate in Jdeideh el-Metn, Lebanon, issued a ruling acquitting a transexual individual accused of engaging in sexual relations with men. The ruling carries great significance, not just for the legal status of transexuals, but also because of its implications for interpreting Article 534 of the Lebanese Penal Code." By Youmna Makhlouf