Panel | Displacement, Detention, Statelessness: Syrian women continue their struggle for justice and equality
Wednesday 17 March
6:00 – 7:30 PM Beirut Time
Weam Ghabash, women’s rights activist and protagonist in the film “Her Stories”
Yasmin Sherbaji, Families for Freedom and protagonist of the podcast series “Out of Sight”
Rasha Altabshi, researcher in the women’s rights Organisation Warsheh

Panel | The right to protest for change without persecution
Wednesday 31 March
6:00 - 7:30 PM Beirut Time
We will discuss the role of civic movements in Syria and the ingenuity of their efforts over the past ten years and reflect on the many challenges that activists and civilians faced in their public demand for political participation. The discussion will be moderated by Rula Asad, Journalist and Executive Director of Syrian Female Journalists Network. and will include interventions from Syrian activists Abdullah Alhakawati, Belal Kharpotly and Sara Al Naasani.

SYRIA | Scroll Story
Ola al-Jundi has a broad smile on her face when she has her children around her. The 48-year old secondary school teacher runs a primary school for Syrian refugees in the Bekaa valley, in Lebanon. Her classroom is a simple construction made of boards and tarpaulin. Inside, it’s hung with pictures drawn by her pupils. In one of her videos, Ola al-Jundi stands smiling in front of a group of young girls, their hair in neat plaits, and ponytails. The children are in a circle, clapping their hands, nudging one another whilst skipping back and forth.
- Northern Syria: Activists and civilians between reality and need
- The Right to Belong to a Political Community at the Example of the Legal Situation of Refu-gees in Lebanon
- No Longer Just a Humanitarian Crisis: The Politicization of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
- New Ways of Resisting: How Art from Syria Changes Regarding New Political Challenges
Discussion : Religious extremism within Syrian society – How deep and permanent is the impact?
Religious extremism within Syrian society – How deep and permanent is the impact? - SharqOrg

Justice for Syria | Video Series
What are the pathes of justice for Syria?
Is the trial in Koblenz a first step towards justice?
هل المحاكمة في كوبلنز خطوة أولى نحو العدالة؟ - Heinrich Böll Foundation Beirut - Middle East

What is the Difference Between Justice and Vengeance?