The Heinrich Böll Stiftung, represented through its offices in Ramallah, Beirut, Tunis, and Rabat in cooperation with the International Union for Conservation of Nature / Regional Office for West Asia (IUCN ROWA), will be hosting a regional Autumn School “Natural Resource Rights in the Arab Middle East and North Africa” in Amman, Jordan from November 23 – 27, 2014.
The Autumn School will focus on land and resource rights, specifically tackling issues of privatization of public spaces and access to water. It will also discuss questions of decentralization, ownership, and participation in natural resources management, as well as the relation between Gender and access to natural resources.
Persons interested in participating in the Regional Autumn School are required to check the concept note and application form (including the required qualifications and application procedure)
For More about the school, click here
Deadline for sending the application is 10 September 2014. Download the application here