The Land "The Legal Notebook" continues in the film "Al-Muraj," produced in collaboration with the "Beirut DC" Association, presenting the case of Marj Bisri, which it dedicated a full issue to in its monthly magazine. The film narrates the stories of the residents of the Bisri Basin with Al-Muraj, their connection to it, and the memories and stories of their ancestors and fathers within its expanse. Al-Muraj has always been a playground of their childhood, a source of livelihood, and a gateway to knowledge and production. The film also documents the risks of the Bisri Dam through the testimonies of the residents and the data provided by experts and scientists, within an artistic framework brilliantly directed by filmmaker Mohammed Sabah. The World Bank's decision on August 4, 2020, to suspend funding for the Bisri Dam project serves as the beautiful conclusion to the film, highlighting the struggle of the residents of Al-Muraj, along with the revolutionaries, activists, and advocates of Lebanon.
The Invisible Water This short film aims to make us reflect upon how we use and consume water, without being aware of it: this is about so-called ‘virtual water’ – the ‘invisible water’ that goes into making products around the world, from food to household goods, clothing or buildings. This short film sensitises us to the water we most often do not see.