
Agroecology in Lebanon

Analyzing the current scene and exploring upscaling potentials.

Did you know that small-scale peasant farmers produce 70% of the world's food? Our Partner JIBAL.org and their researchers have been engaging in important conversations around the debate about who really feeds the world at the national and international levels. Check out their latest publication on “Agroecology in Lebanon” to find out more about how agroecology- an alternative food system vision– is being used in Lebanon as a tool to build a more equitable food system.

Agroecology, from Past to Future is a documentary film published by JIBAL that traces practices of agroecology through their historical progression in Lebanon, in corporation with Heinrich Böll Middle East.

Agroecology, from Past to Future - Jibal

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Product details
Date of Publication
Jibal & Heinrich Boell Foundation
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Table of contents

I. Research Objectives and Design

1.1 Context

1.2 Research objectives and background

1.3 Methodology

II. Peasant history and realities

in Lebanon

2.1 Looking back into history

2.2 Small farmers and access to land

2.3 Agricultural labor

2.4 Other power dynamics in the value chain

2.5 Environmental impacts

III. What is happening in Lebanon today?

3.1 Why did people start their initiative?

3.2 What are the actors doing?

IV. Ideas and recommendations on how to

upscale agroecology in Lebanon

V. Bibliography