
Cover of the research Paper


Research Paper
This research paper employs a systems analysis to explore how solid waste mismanagement has been an intentional political decision-making process tailored to nurture and protect dysfunctionality through elite capture and clientelism. The hypothesis will be presented using a Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) which will then be analyzed and validated via case studies involving the municipalities of Beit Mery, Dhour Choueir, and Brih. This paper published with the cooperation of Arab Reform Initiative A paper by Cynthia Kreidy, Policy Analyst, Millennium Institute  
Change MPS in Parliament

Entering the Lion’s Den Lebanon’s “Change MPs” in parliament

Building on prior TPI research about alternative political groups in Lebanon, this report examines challenges that “Change MPs” faced during their first 18 months in office. Drawing on eight original interviews with Change MPs, the report is divided into four sections that examine their legislative performance, oversight duties, parliamentary alliances, and political outlooks. It also examines how sectarian parties have paralyzed the parliament to protect their interests – from avoiding accountability and delaying reforms to sabotaging legislation and bullying opponents – by recounting specific legislative battles waged by Change MPs.
DJ Set on barbed wire rooftop at dawn

Beirut's Underground Music Scene

Photo Documentation
A very inspiring creative project Hajar utilized a historical-political lens, to carefully delineate artists, community and the use of space within Beirut’s quick pace of change. Given the lack of research on the dialectic between music and crises in the region, this historical lens is applied to understand recent developments that begin from the October 2019 Revolution, extending through to the complete collapse of the economy and banking system, and the August 2020 explosion. The photos coupled with over twenty interviews aim to re-imagine and recreate our spaces and collective identity with values that extend far past appreciating certain genres. This project chooses to focus on the vibrant and creative forces which stand in constant dialogue with the worn and broken.
Cover of the report: Convoys, Cross-border, Covert Ops

Convoys, Cross-border, Covert Ops

Around the world, we are increasingly seeing warring parties systematically withholding humanitarian aid to advance their war aims. This is demonstrated by the hbs-supported report by Emma Beals, "Convoys, Cross-border, Covert Ops: Responding to state-led arbitrary aid denial in civil wars. Lessons from Syria, Myanmar, and Ethiopia". The state-centric, UN-dependent humanitarian system repeatedly fails where internationally recognized governments deny humanitarian aid in violation of international law.

Agroecology in Lebanon

Did you know that small-scale peasant farmers produce 70% of the world's food? Our Partner and their researchers have been engaging in important conversations around the debate about who really feeds the world at the national and international levels. Check out their latest publication on “Agroecology in Lebanon” to find out more about how agroecology- an alternative food system vision– is being used in Lebanon as a tool to build a more equitable food system.
Cover of the report


Refugees_Partners Project publishes a report titled: "Access to legal stay and labor For Syrians in Lebanon: Status and prospects". This report examines Syrian refugees’ access to legal status in Lebanon, i.e. residency, legal documentation, and work permits. Accordingly, the research investigates the legal and policy frameworks governing the livelihood of Syrians in Lebanon by examining the different legislations and regulations governing Syrians’ stay in Lebanon and access to labor opportunities and also examining the published reports and articles written by scholars or active organizations. This report scrutinizes the policy responses that relate to Syrian refugees’ status in Lebanon, focusing on the livelihood sector as implemented by UN actors the international and national NGOs.
Benita's Paper cover

“People like me, they have to bypass”

Research Paper
My nationality is my right has a long history in Lebanon. In a country, that does not treat its citizens equally; women cannot pass their nationality to their husbands and children if they have a binational marriage. To this day, this law is still on papers. In this paper, Benita argue that the performative citizenship of the children in these families is not only expressed through their political and social activism for a more inclusive citizenship law. Rather, by finding coping strategies to exercise basic human rights and by having an affective citizenship meaning they feel Lebanese and therefore state their right to be Lebanese on paper, they are performing Lebanese citizenship.
Piles of solid waste in a street in Lebanon

Impacting policies: Waste management and advocacy in Lebanon.

This paper tackles the evolution and role of civil society actors and advocacy campaigns concerning Solid Waste Management since the 2015 waste crisis. It addresses the organization, advocacy strategies, tools, challenges, adopted roadmaps, and lessons learned from these movements and coalitions, using a comparative analysis between the Harak movement that emerged during the 2015 waste crisis and the Waste Management Coalition that formed in 2017 in the face of persistent waste mismanagement and the government plans to adopt waste incineration.